Mahama Camp Women’s Development Project has achieved a lot in a short time
Women and youth of the Mahama Refugee camp appreciate the project to improve the lives of refugee women by the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (CEJP), which comforted them and gave them hope for a new life. They ask for its extension because challenges in the camp are still numerous.
This project aims at helping refugee women to come out from problems they face in the camp and strive for a better life.
As explained by Jean Claude GAKWAYA, who is in charge of the project, the activities of this project include helping teenager women to return to school and deal with the trauma they face after giving birth. This project also establishes a way to monitor and listen to them and helps them to prepare small projects for their survive.
This project started on 01/05/2023, and will end on 30/04/2024, and is implemented by the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (CEJP) in collaboration with the Commission for Justice and peace of the Diocese of Kibungo with the support of the MISSION AACHEN.
During the six months, various activities have been carried out, including training on small business management and implementation; Training counselors on trauma; Training on sexual education and reproductive health and Training on laws related to human rights, especially laws on children and women rights.
120 people have benefited from these trainings so far. They were divided into 5 groups, including: Women suffering from family and war trauma, youth, Families having teenager mothers, teenager mothers and counseling trainers. The members of these groups, in addition to being trained, continue to meet and discuss on projects for their economic development.
Mss Jacqueline Nduwayezu, in charge of the project in the Mahama camp, said that due to the refugee situation, they were facing a lot of problems causing them depression and drugs consumption. He appreciates this project that has brought various activities that give them hope.
He said, “This project has brought many changes. They gave us trainings in different stages which helped us to regain hope for a better life.”
Niyongabo HUGUE, a member of the youth group, said: “The project brought us together as young people, teaching us to love one another and get rid of bad habits. Some of us have started businesses thanks to the savings and loan they got from the groups we have established.”
Mss Consolate BARANYIZIGIYE, the Project Coordinator in the Justice and Peace Commission, said that they are grateful for all the changes brought by this project in the lives of women and youths in Mahama Camp. On the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (CEJP), he said that the commission need to expand activities for protection of refugees and migrants. Mss Consolate presented his gratitude to MISSIO AACHEN for supporting this project, and made a call to other sponsors for the cause of refugees because the problems in the camp are still numerous.